about Berenice
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D’Vorzon grew up in Abstract Expressionism and took what she needed for her mature work. From the 50’s to the 80’s work includes Light Shaft Series, VShafts, Drip series before she became involved with water images.
The ARKTIKOS series comes from D’Vorzon’s concept of suspended or hidden life in the ice.
Working in Quilin, China, D’Vorzon discovered an affinity to Asian art. In addition to paintings, works on rice paper, she developed aluminum screens to express the experience of being on the river.
D’Vorzon worked in the swamps in Florida and Louisiana, drawn by the visions of birth, death, and renewal that she experienced there. At that time she began to develop the ongoing diptych form in her paintings. The wetlands of Eastern Long Island also attracted her and it was there that she began her exploration of painting the Seen and the Unseen.
Although exhibiting her photographs of nature, D’Vorzon never worked from them in her paintings. She does use them for her digital prints but there are great changes made in this process. Combining poetry in the digital print, D’Vorzon is creating a new Words and Images series with a great variety of poetical excerpts.
These paintings are inspired by D'Vorzon's experience of being in Bali, both by the people and their religion as well as the physical environment.
Paintings which deal with Jewish Themes.
These are various works that do not fit exactly into the ongoing “series”, but are meaningful in themselves. The Leaf As Metaphor Series (works on paper) is one of these investigations.