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Accabonac Air Vertical Diptych 1991
Watercolor on Paper, 41X26 inches

The quiet waters of Eastern Long Island, particularly Accabonac Harbor, have always spoken to me. It is the sense of life, both seen and unseen that I paint.

As a member of the Accabonac Protection Committee, I try to help in the preservation of my beloved harbor. Some of the things we are involved in include testing the water in conjunction with the Cornell Extension and the DEC. We are a grassroots watchdog group, encouraging the town to acquire land, acting as liaison between concerned citizens and the authorities, active in the physical upkeep of Louse Point and Girard Drive, to name a few activities. Sometimes the authorities flinch when they see us coming.

But it is my personal relationship with Accabonac Harbor that I focus on in my paintings.. Since my teens, I have clammed, musseled, fished, swum and sailed these waters as well as deriving both visual and spiritual inspiration for myself and my work.

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