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LightShaft Cream 1977
Acrylic On Canvas 84X68 inches

D’Vorzon’s artistic beginnings were in the abstract expressionist movement, a movement which too many critics have seen as an isolated phenomenon of great influence, but short duration. She well understood both the psychological and spacial implications of the movement, but in her later work she has added an intensly personalized vision of nature and its sexuality and force. She sought to personally partake of the experience of nature. While a city person, Ms. D’Vorzon summered at the Springs, near East Hampton, Long Island. It was a section of Long Island that attracted a number of New York artists working in varous styles. The natural and uncultivated beauty of the place was the force of its attraction as well as a very special quality of light. Ms. D’Vorzon continued her search for the experience of nature both on Long Island and in the Florida Swamps which she discovered on a visit and to qhich she frequently returns.

Her fascination with images of water and particularly swamps has led her to immerse herself in her subject. The Impressionists painted a single subject in every conceivable light. Ms. D’Vorzon has viewed swamps fromevery possible angle, from flying above them to traveling over them in a small boat. she has photographed and sketched tirelessly until hse has partaken of the essence swamp. She says that she wants to experience nature rahter than to depict it.

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